

If you want to read a bit more before you pick up the phone, or you just want to see what we are up to day to day, then look no further than our insights pages.

Creating a Show Garden

Show gardens are a different world from ‘real’ gardens in many ways. They show the art of the possible, and finishing to the highest possible standard, whilst working to the tightest of deadlines and in incredibly restricted space!

How The Budget Works

Landscaping typically costs significantly more than most of us expect – unless you are just looking at a planting upgrade, think of it as a major building project not a furnishing exercise.

The Design Process

A design process can vary widely between a large or complex project or something more simple, but it will typically be completed in stages, with the amount of time and detail spent on each tailored to meet your needs and aspirations.

Choosing Your Garden Designer

Garden design is typically a highly personal thing! Like your hairdresser you will want to know they understand your needs, can articulate your ideas, are able to interpret them and that you can speak up if you don’t like what they are suggesting.

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