Crit Sessions: Environmental Design and Principles of Building Physics
Course name: BSc Architecture and Environmental Design, Year 2
Module name: Environmental Design and Technology (Design Studio)
Mehrdad Borna, Design Studio Leader, School of Architecture & Cities, The University of Wesminster
Stefania Boccaletti, Senior Lecturer, Course Leader BSc Architecture and Environmental Design, The University of Wesminster
Date: 8th and 10th December
On December 8th and December 10th, CGLA Head of Design Eike Selby was invited by the University of Westminster School of Architecture & Cities as guest critic for the end of term presentations by 2nd year BSc Architure and Environmental Design students. Alongside Design Studio Leader, Mehrdad Borna, Senior Lecturer and Course Leader, Stefania Boccaletti, and Lecturer in Architecture from The Bartlett School of Architecture, Roberto Botazzi, the students had the opportunity to present the culmination of their Module 1 and Module 2 work which consisted of a schematic urban proposal utilizing tools such as base mapping, contextual and environmental analysis and physical 3d modelling which then informed their approach for the design of a sustainable Climate Change Hub
The Climate Change Hub was to be a temporary structure hosting learning spaces for primary schools (4 to 11 years old) to teach them the issues regarding Climate Change. Also, part of the structure would function as a public/exhibition space for the general public to become a beacon or billboard of a specific Climate Change issue.

As part of CGLA`s ongoing continuing education phylosophy, we always welcome the opportunity to collaborate with industry leaders and educational institutions and welcome enquires for CPD`s, discussions and workshops. Contact us